Thursday 12 December 2013

Haunted by the Constant Swirling

Thick, swirling mist swirls within my mind
deep, dark and blue in color 
I surrender, surrender to your dark persona,
surrender to my loss of light for this....
Once clear sight has now been impaired
like steam rising from the water at first light
I no longer see the clear water
just the swirling, swirling air, tempting and alluring.
The air is sickly sweet, too sweet for this.
It overpowers me as I desperately stand straight.
Forced to bend forward, writhed with pain as it 
shoots down my legs and up my back.
Horrific, horrific pain grips me: I have no voice
Help me, help me as I sink to my knees
oh sun, fill me, do not desert me.
Desperation seeps into my skin and flows into my veins
Hands muddied by the soil I hold, yet still this dark blue air swirls
and swirls before me still. My head follows it's swirls
rolling my neck in gentle, flowing movements
Eyes remaining on the dark blue swirling, alluring air
I give my last effort to release to this- and breath this 
air heavy with dark swirling power deep into my lungs
I feel it swirl, surge, and swirl some more
I collapse on the ground just before the water
All of my nightmares- all of my deepest fears consume me.
They replay over and over, swirling, consuming, tormenting.
My body trembles and spasms, sweat forms on my brow
Until.......nothing. The sweet nothingness within my mind. 
The water is clear now as this sweet clarity swirls in the air
I stand up and feel the sun on my face-
relief and warmth flows from my head down into my body
seeping deep into my soul where I smile inwardly, knowingly.
It's time to start anew in this beautiful world.

I am reborn. 

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